How do you plan to pay for:

A Long-Term Care and Life Insurance policy helps you offset the cost of long term care and provides financial support for your beneficiaries after you are gone.

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Two ways to use your policy:

1. Maximize Life Insurance

Don’t need long-term care during your lifetime? Receive the entire benefit as a payout to your beneficiaries.

2. Access Both Benefits

Receive 4% per month up to 2X your life insurance amount for your LTC benefit. Your death benefit then restores to its original amount.

Why does Long-Term Care Financial Planning matter?

IIf you needed long term care, could you afford it?
LTC costs are on the rise ... and retiree income can't keep up.

Projections show that LTC costs will more than double over the next 30 years.
But, the average income of persons over 65 is only $52,312. That math doesn't add up.

Securing coverage now can help you offset these astronomical LTC costs.

LTC services are not covered by your Health Insurance, Disability Insurance, or Medicare. Purchasing Long-Term Care and Life Insurance is a preferred option for those who want to ensure they can afford the care they may need later in life.

LTC benefits help:

  • Protect your retirement savings
  • Ease the burden of caregiving by your loved ones
  • Choose the setting in which you receive care
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What makes our Long-Term Care and Life Insurance program unique?

Available to eligible employees working at least 15 hours per week.

Eligible employees may extend coverage to their spouse/partner.

Guaranteed acceptance up to age 64 - no health questions required.

Coverage is fully portable at the same cost and same benefits - no conversion required if you change jobs or retire.

Enrollment age rates. Your premium is always based on the age when you enrolled.

Convenient payment through payroll deduction.


What life insurance benefit options are available?

You choose a death benefit from $25,000 - $200,000, in increments of $25,000.

Death Benefit: There are two types of Universal Life policies available, depending on your age at the time of enrollment:

  • Trustmark’s LifeEvents Universal Life plan applies to enrollees age 18-64. It pays a higher death benefit during the working years when expenses are typically higher, and families need maximum protection. At age 70, when financial needs are typically lower, the death benefit reduces to one third. (The death benefit reduction does not impact premiums or LTC benefits.) At age 100, your policy matures, and any remaining surrender value is paid to you.
  • Trustmark’s Standard Universal Life plan applies to enrollees age 65 – 70. (The death benefit will not reduce at age 70.) At age 100, your policy matures, and any remaining surrender value is paid to you.

How does the policy work?

One policy with two benefits – life insurance coverage for your family and long-term care benefits if you need them. Building a plan is simple:

i. Choose a life insurance benefit up to $200,000

ii. You can access 4% of the life benefit per month if you need LTC (i.e. $100,000 of life = $4,000 per month for LTC)

iii. The LTC benefit will keep paying up to 2x the life benefit ($100,000 life benefit = $200,000 total for LTC)


How do I use the benefits for long-term care?

If you are diagnosed with a cognitive impairment, or cannot perform two of six activities of daily living and that condition is expected to last 90 days, you can withdraw from your death benefit. The six activities of daily living are bathing, eating, transferring, toileting, continence, and dressing. 


If I use my Death Benefit for long-term care, but don’t completely exhaust it – what happens?

If you collect a benefit for LTC, your full death benefit is still available for your beneficiaries, as much as doubling your benefit.


What happens if I stop paying my premium?

Coverage will remain in force as long as there is sufficient net surrender value to cover the monthly expense, rider and cost of insurance charges. If insufficient, the coverage will lapse.


How much does it cost?

The premium is based on how much death benefit you select and the age that you are at the time of application. 


Is there a medical screen or underwriting involved in obtaining coverage?

If you select a death benefit within the program’s Guaranteed Issue amount and are between the ages of 18 and 64, there are no medical questions and acceptance is guaranteed.


How long does this policy last?

The illustration provided when you receive your coverage certificate will demonstrate the projected coverage period at the selected planned premium rate under both the current and guaranteed scenarios. 

The coverage pays the death benefit if death occurs while the coverage is in force before age 95. If coverage is still in force at age 95 (maturity age) and the insured is still living, the net surrender value is paid as a maturity benefit and coverage terminates. You will also receive an annual statement on the anniversary date of your policy to review your coverage period.


What happens if I never use the policy for long-term care?

Upon death your beneficiary would receive the full amount of death benefit that you applied for. If you reach the maturity age of 95, the net surrender value is paid as a maturity benefit and coverage terminates.


How long do my Long-Term Care benefits last?

Long-term care benefits can last for up to a total of 50 months at a 4% withdrawal rate from your death benefit.


Can I get coverage for my family?

Coverage is available for your spouse however; coverage amounts and underwriting may vary. The employee must apply for spouse coverage to be issued.


Are my premiums guaranteed?

Your premium will be based on your age at the time of issue. You will receive an annual statement on the anniversary date of your policy that will explain the details of your coverage and your premium. 


How do I pay my premium?

The premium will be deducted from your paycheck based on your pay schedule (monthly, bi-weekly…etc.).


How do I enroll?

You can enroll online. Login now to get started.


What if I leave my employer or retire?

This policy is completely portable – meaning you take the coverage with you if you were to change jobs or retire from your current employer. The bill will be transferred to come directly to you and you can continue coverage without any change in premium or benefit amounts.


Can my benefits ever decrease?

This is adjustable universal life insurance that can be decreased in coverage (subject to US Tax Code compliance) or increased in coverage (subject to underwriting), but there are no scheduled decreases in coverage.

Guaranteed Issue of this special coverage won’t last long. Get started today to secure your Long-Term Care and Life Insurance policy.

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